Gallon Challenge II Party
College - Junior Year

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[The Gallon Challenge II]

The Gallon Challenge Rules: The Official Gallon Challenge Records Page
  1. The Gallon of milk must be consumed within sixty minutes.
  2. You are allowed a spill factor of about one fluid ounce.
  3. Any type of milk may be used, but skim is considered less prestigious than 2% milk, and 2% is less prestigious than whole milk.
  4. Spitting is allowed as long as they have swallowed the milk in their mouth before attempting to clear their throat.
  5. The milk may be thrown back up at any time after the entire gallon of milk is completely consumed and swollowed. However, it is considered more prestigous to hold the milk down for at least 10 minutes.
  6. An "hour challenge official" must report the successful attempt. All "dominant males" and former champions of the gallon challenge are considered eligible "hour challenge officials".

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