RoadTrip | Miami
College - Sophomore Year

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Sophomore Year
-Miami Roadtrip
---The Game
---Interesting Signs
---Crazy Stuff
---The Van

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- EL CHEAPO gas... how cool is that?

- $1.69 for Unleaded Regular gas is outrageous. Boy are we glad to be paying $1.19 in Blacksburg. We sure could have used some EL CHEAPO gas while in Florida.

- It's supposed to be the "Welcome to Virginia" sign. Taking pictures of stationary objects at 80 mph is difficult... Especially when you're the one driving!

- As if it wasn't difficult enough for me to take a picture of the Virginia sign, this time I was driving, talking on a cell phone, and trying to take a picture of the "Welcome to North Carolina" sign. At least I slowed down to 70 mph for this attempt.

- It's much easier to take pictures of interstate signs when someone else is doing the driving and it's daylight.

- Sorry, but the only thing on our minds right now is getting to Miami.

- The distressing thing about finally seeing the “Welcome to Florida” sign is that it still takes another 8 hours to get to Miami.

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