RoadTrip | VA Beach
College - Freshman Year

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Freshman Year
-Virginia Beach
---Putt-Putt Story
---Interesting Signs
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[Alba, Matt]

  • Friday:
    1. Leave Blacksburg, VA @ 5:30 pm to Elliston, VA to pick up Matt.
    2. From Elliston, VA to Chesapeake, VA to visit and sleep at Gerry's House.
  • Saturday:
    1. From Chesapeake, VA to Virginia Beach!!!
    2. Arrive in Virginia Beach @ 9:00 am.
    3. Hang Out at Virginia Beach for the day.
    4. Leave Virginia Beach to Elliston, VA to drop Matt off.
    5. Leave Elliston, VA to Marion, VA (HOME).
    6. Arrive in Marion @ 1:30 am.
  • Sunday:
    1. Leave Marion, VA to Blacksburg, VA (the other HOME).
    2. Visit Mom and Dad and pick-up Fishing Gear.
    3. Arrive in Blacksburg @ 7:00 pm.
  • Total Distance: 750 miles

  • Violations of the Law:
    • Riding in the back of a pick-up Truck.
    • Changed clothes in a public restroom.
    • Threw "disk-shaped object" (frisbee) on the beach.
    • Threw "ball" (football) on the beach.
    • Received a speech from the lifegaurd.
    • Jay-Walking
    • Vandalism - Broke a minature golf fence.
    • Cruising the strip.
    • Used a Bathroom for hotel guests only.
    • And probably a few other crimes.

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